When do practices begin and how many days a week will my child practice?
T-Ball, 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U - Your coach should notify you in regards to practice by 03/03/2024.
All coaches will have an opportunity to schedule 2 practices per week, which will typically be one weekday and one weekend time slot. Once the season begins there will be varying league scheduled practices - Coaches may schedule extra practices as time and field availability allows.
When will the season begin and end?
The T-Ball, 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U, regular season will begin week of 03/18/23 and will run until 05/31/2024.
A possible post-season tournament for 8U, 10U and 12U will be determined in the last few weeks of the season. If possible, it will run 05/13/2024 thru 05/31/2024. (Tournament Scheduling will revolve around EOG testing schedules).
The MS/HS Summer Baseballl season will begin on TBD.
How many games per week will we played and on which days?
Typically, your child will have 2 games per week. There will be occasions when you will only play one game in a week.
There will be no regular scheduled games on Sundays or 8U, 10U, 12U will not play on Saturdays.
When will my child hear from his/her coach about their team?
Evaluations will take place week of 2/24/2025 (weather) for all Baseball divisions, except T-Ball, and 6U(Coach Pitch).
Baseball Teams will be selected beginning on 02/24/2025. If you have not heard from your coach by 03/02/2025, please email us at [email protected] and let us know you have not been contacted.
MS/HS Summer Baseball evaluations will take place on TBD.
I have siblings that will be playing in the same division, will they be on a team together?
Yes, all siblings will be placed on the same team if they are playing in the same division. This does not include cousins or friends.
What does my registration fee go towards?
Registration fees are used to pay for uniforms, liability insurance, facility use fee to the City of Asheville and other League approved fees.
Registration fees do not cover all costs associated with running the league. Sponsorship's are an important part of keeping costs down for your child. Through sponsorship's we are able to pay our umpires, buy baseballs and softballs, and other equipment as needed.
What equipment does my child need?
Each player will be responsible for their own helmet, bat, ball glove, cleats and pants.
All baseball division players; T-Ball, 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and MS/HS will receive a jersey and hat. Socks will need to be supplied by the player.
Steal Cleats are not allowed in any division except for MS/HS divisions.